回复 :Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
回复 :当单个英雄还不足时,这世界需要一支传奇队伍,穿越猎人Rip Hunter在未来看到了大危机,于是决定回到过去,从起源阻止事件;他组合了一支英雄及奸角合作的队伍,不过问题是,这支乌合之众真的能阻止危机吗?《绿箭侠 Arrow》及《闪电侠 The Flash》同时衍生的新剧,由两剧演员加入,暂定不像前两部以一角为主的模式。 Brandon Routh饰演的是原子侠﹑Victor Garber在《闪电侠》是火风暴的其中半身﹑Wentworth Miller及Dominic Purcell则是在《闪电侠》中饰演奸角冷冻队长及热浪﹑Caity Lotz原本在《绿箭侠》中饰演前代金丝雀/Sara Lance,角色已被杀,但已复活﹑Arthur Darvill将饰演穿越猎人(Rip Hunter)﹑Ciara Renée则饰演Kendra Saunders,同时也是鹰女侠(Hawkgirl)。﹑Franz Drameh加盟本剧,饰演Jay Jackson
回复 :一枝花和尚鲁智深(徐锦江饰)--一个家传户晓的水浒人物,以他奇特的遭遇为主线,表现其锄强扶弱、正直纯真的品性。鲁由无忧无虑的小提辖转变为逃亡的梁山好汉,徐的独特演出予人极深刻之印象。事实上,他曾在电影中担任鲁一角,饰演这个人物绝对是他的拿手绝活,这次加上其他新的配搭,必定能擦出新的火花。故事既有轻松逗人发噱的情节,亦有令人激昂的震撼剧情,内容精彩百出。本剧亦是资深演员林正英最后的遗作。