回复 :
回复 :高家兄弟因為價值觀截然不同,不但成就高低立判,連教育出來的子女,個性和品格也大相逕庭...上一代有上一代的恩怨情仇,下一代有下一代的追求展望...在錯綜複雜的人生大道上,每個人都汲汲營營,尋找著屬於自己的幸福課題...
回复 :It's safe to say Luxury Comedy is quite unlike anything else on television - it's a merry fusion of live action and animation, all topped over with music by Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno.Here's the deal... Noel lives in a jungle tree house with his anteater butler (Mike Fielding), Andy Warhol his cleaner (Tom Meeten), and German trendy Dolly (Dolly Wells).Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy is heavily influenced by the worlds of art and music. It's smart, ambitious, like Salvador Dali and Mick Jagger recreating The Jungle Book.