早春In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
早春In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
回复 :根据黑帮头目美能幸三的狱中笔记和作家饭干晃一的小说改编。从狱中释放的山中正治(北大路欣也 饰)吃霸王餐引发冲突,也籍此结识了美丽的寡妇靖子(梶芽衣子 饰),并拜入村冈组的门下。曾为村冈组敌对帮派大友联合会下的年轻干部大友胜利(千叶真一 饰)不满本派与对手媾和行径,自立大友组向村冈组发起一系列袭击。山中奋起反击,最后因杀人罪锒铛入狱。村冈组组长(名合宏 饰)遂将靖子许配他人,得知消息的山中越狱而出,兴师问罪,却被村冈巧妙骗过。村冈利用山中的愧疚和忠诚,命其追杀大友胜利。山中义无反顾踏上不归之路……
回复 :联邦调查局特工丽莎曾是高官安德杰保镖,二人相恋且有了一个可爱的女儿。安德杰答应与妻子离婚,但总是推脱。心情郁闷的丽莎无奈带着女儿去度假,不料女儿被人掳走。丽莎追踪到疑犯,却被闻讯赶来的警察带到警局审讯。救女心切的丽莎冒险逃出逃脱之后继续查找。而警方在调查中,发现没有任何丽莎带着女儿入境的记录,便发出通缉令缉拿丽莎。丽莎联系安德杰却被劝去自首,令她大惑不解。联邦调查局同事准备前来帮助她寻女,却在出发前被害。一切都是谜团,到底是谁掳走自己的女儿,杀害了自己的好友,男友为何不相信自己……
回复 :Hannes is an old man who has grown apart from his children. Recently retired when his wife gets ill he tries to reconcile with them and to atone for his cold demeanor in the past.