新型毒品“蜜蜂”在江州毒品市场肆虐,希中随着研制者“毒蜂”被缉拿归案,希中其配方也面临消失,毒界变得风声鹤唳。主人公段成(富大龙 饰)在一次押送途中越狱,并对外宣称自己是“唯一知道蜜蜂配方”的人,面临配方重出江湖的巨大诱惑,多方势力开始对段成展开威逼利诱。经历追杀、强行被注入毒品等非人折磨后,段成渗入毒巢,以“诱饵”身份一步步接近大毒枭“蜂王”……另一方面,江州警方的“捕蜂人行动”也正式启动,一场正与邪、善与恶的黑白对决一触即发……
新型毒品“蜜蜂”在江州毒品市场肆虐,希中随着研制者“毒蜂”被缉拿归案,希中其配方也面临消失,毒界变得风声鹤唳。主人公段成(富大龙 饰)在一次押送途中越狱,并对外宣称自己是“唯一知道蜜蜂配方”的人,面临配方重出江湖的巨大诱惑,多方势力开始对段成展开威逼利诱。经历追杀、强行被注入毒品等非人折磨后,段成渗入毒巢,以“诱饵”身份一步步接近大毒枭“蜂王”……另一方面,江州警方的“捕蜂人行动”也正式启动,一场正与邪、善与恶的黑白对决一触即发……
回复 :BIG BEAR is about Joe (Joey Kern) who reluctantly has his bachelor party even though his fiancé just dumped him for some Dude (recent Emmy nominated. Pablo Schreiber).
回复 :J.G. Ballard的小说...无语...Most Remarkable Film I Have Ever SeenWhile definitely not for everyone, this movie effectively captures J.G. Ballard's difficult novel of the same name. More visual than literal, The Atrocity Exhibition forces the viewer to re-think the art of film and of story telling. It effectively communicates in a new language that caused some who saw it to declare that it 'changed their lives'. It changed mine as well, although I'm not exactly sure in what way. And while I can't say that I completely 'got ' the story, the story that I got was fascinating and one that I can't forget. I've since read the book and that certainly helped, but it wasn't necessary to enjoy the film. This film stands as one of my favorites alongside the best works of Kubrick, the Coen brothers and Hitchcock.
回复 :这是一部非营利性的长篇电影,与漫威、索尼或迪士尼均无关联,由该蜘蛛侠的粉丝创作。彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而造成的,彼得·帕克对于过去的愧疚挥之不去,质疑是否应该永远埋葬来自他的另一个自我的诅咒。当他得知一个身患绝症的孩子寻求与蜘蛛侠见面时,彼得在考虑是否要在他的仅剩之日里去安慰他。改编自:“SPIDER-MAN: BLUE”以及“THE KID WHO COLLECTS SPIDER-MAN”。