草莓After dealing with the repercussions of her actions from last year, DC Lisa Armstrong is given the opportunity to step up when asked to assist a murder investigation in Morecambe.
草莓After dealing with the repercussions of her actions from last year, DC Lisa Armstrong is given the opportunity to step up when asked to assist a murder investigation in Morecambe.
回复 :主人公Ryan(《魔戒》中饰演Frodo的男星Elijah Wood)是一个成事不足、败事有余废柴男,他用自己的方式与这个不公平的世界抗衡,可是……每次结果并不如他想的那样完美,直到遇见了他邻居的一条宠物狗Wilfred,一段奇特不可思议的羁绊便展开了。其他人看到的Wi lfred是一条普通的宠物狗,然而Ryan眼里的Wilfred是一个粗鲁但真诚、勇敢的澳洲小伙子,他总穿着一件有狗耳朵的毛绒戏服。Ryan的世界是严重混乱的,Wilfred用自己方式教会他如何克服对外界的恐惧,融入正常人的生活,同时保有最纯真的那个Ryan...
回复 :A stand-up comedian and his three offbeat friends weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New York City in the '90s.
回复 :Quote:这部是 "所谓的Smiley三部曲的终结。Smiley最终胜利了,不过这并不能给他带来一丝快乐,因为他知道英国在冷战中无关大局。Smiley是James Bond的反面,矮胖,穿不合身的衣服,以研究德语古诗歌为爱好,妻子不忠。Alec Guiness演的Smiley很有名,le Carre也很满意,专门有书献给Guiness。"