回复 :影片改编自蒲松龄《聊斋志异》之《聂小倩》。小倩生前被人所负含恨而终,死后化为女鬼,被姥姥囚禁于兰若寺。恰逢书生宁生进京赶考,借宿此地,意外救下小倩。逃亡途中,两人不断遭遇人间及地府势力的阻挠,却也在此般经历中感情升温。宁生带着小倩感受了人间美好,小倩决心还阳,却在到达鬼市后发现事情远没有这么简单……
回复 :2017年的米夏偷吃食盒里的甜点穿越回2007年,重新认识男友方唯。2007年开餐厅的方唯在酒吧意外得到东汉时期的将军吴羽穿越到2007年掉落在酒吧的食盒,得知食盒的功能,方唯在餐厅开启了帮助情侣拯救爱情的新业务,米夏和方唯的这对欢喜冤家的爱恨纠缠到底要何去何从,遗失青铜盒的吴将军是否找到食盒,和燕子的爱情能否修成正果?
回复 :In the exciting fourth season, we fast-forward six years, discovering that Nikki (Esther Smith) and Jason (Rafe Spall) are experienced adopters having built a lovely little nuclear family, enriched by an extraordinary support network. However, as their teenage daughter, Princess (Scarlett Rayner), starts to yearn for a connection with her birth mother, Nikki and Jason find themselves confronted with the ultimate test of their parenting skills.