回复 :Comedy series about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls. After hearing upsetting news from her dad, Viva decides to leave home and live with her friends.Some Girls is about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls who play on the same school football team and live on the same inner city estate. We join them on their bumpy journey through adolescence, taking in boys, sex, cliques, teachers, heartbreak, fun and even some football along the way.At the heart of the comedy is Viva (Adelayo Adedayo), whose ambition is to stay motivated and go to college. She lives with her dad Rob (Colin Salmon) and her stepmother Anna (Dolly Wells), a New Zealander who also happens to be Viva's sadistic PE teacher.Viva is great friends with Holli (Natasha Jonas) whose entertaining, violent outbursts are legendary. Saz (Mandeep Dhillon) and Amber (Alice Felgate) complete the gang. They talk about everything from history homework to their ambitions in life. They share everything: their clothes, their moods, their secrets and - occasionally - their mothers' tranquillisers.
回复 :传奇侦探金田一耕助的孙子金田一一(山田凉介 饰),现如今正和青梅竹马七濑美雪(川口春奈 饰)就读私立不动高中,他们同时是侦探部的成员。七濑品学兼优,金田一色心萌动,百无聊赖,青春的日子欢快无忧。这一天,七濑被著名导演藏泽明的藏泽光孙子(神木隆之介 饰)拉入电影部拍戏,谁知一系列猎奇杀人事件却让电影部鬼影幢幢。搜查一课警部剑持勇(山口智充 饰)和新的部下介入调查, 金田一则通过缜密推理锁定真凶。在此之后,原电影部解散,人员壮大的推理部欢声笑语。而接下来的日子里,一个又一个缜密营造的杀人迷局还将接二连三呈现金田一和他的朋友们的面前……本片根据天树征丸的原作改编。
回复 :1936年,19岁的阿部初(满岛光 饰)和许许多多同龄女孩乘船前往满洲,以新娘的身份展开了全新而未知的人生。早于数年前,日本政府从全国各地征集贫穷农家的男儿组成开拓团,在满洲实行移民计划。阿初嫁给了千振(今黑龙江桦南市)开拓团的男儿浅野速男(新井浩文 饰),凭借吃苦耐劳的坚韧意志,浅野夫妇在黑土地上逐渐扎根,之后阿初也相继将老家的弟妹接了过来,一家人过上了幸福而短暂的平凡生活。好景不长,随着太平洋战争的爆发,千振不可避免地被卷入无形的绞肉机中。速男随军奔赴战场,阿初和弟妹、子女、千振的朋友们也辗转流离,在苦难的大地上奋力求生。27万人的开拓团,将近1/3死在中国,而这群人的磨难还远远不曾结束……