免费After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover the identity of this mysterious doppelganger.
免费After some tragedies, a couple moves back to her childhood home. Robert discovers an old portrait of a man who looks like him, he goes down a rabbit hole to discover the identity of this mysterious doppelganger.
回复 :故事发生在风景秀丽的密西西比河畔,汤姆(乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯 Jonathan Taylor Thomas 饰)自幼丧母,是一个身世可怜的孤儿。然而,在朋友和亲戚们的帮助和扶持下,汤姆还是成长为了一个快乐勇敢的男孩。哈克贝利(布拉德·兰弗洛 Brad Renfro 饰)是汤姆最好的朋友,两个孩子在一起,常常惹出各种各样的麻烦,闹了数不清的笑话。一次偶然中,汤姆竟然成为了一宗凶杀案的目击证人,由于害怕遭到凶手的报复,汤姆和哈克贝利决定离家出走,踏上逃亡的旅途。汤姆的失踪让亲人倍感焦急,可他却在孤岛上开辟了自己的小天地,过得逍遥快活。最终,在案件即将审判之时,汤姆站了出来说出了真相,帮助法官做出了公正的判决。
回复 :曾经,一颗从天而降的陨石几乎灭绝了地球上的所有生物,却也打开了新的纪元。一晃眼七千年过去,勇敢的企业家约翰(马克·迪克林 Mark Deklin 配音)带着妻子和儿子远赴非洲丛林,想要寻找陨石的下落,因为约翰相信,陨石上附带的能量,可以解决困扰全球多年的能源问题。不幸的是,一场空难夺走了约翰和妻子的姓名,留下年幼的儿子泰山(凯南·鲁兹 Kellan Lutz 配音)迷失在茫茫的非洲丛林之中。幸运的是,一群善良的猩猩捡到了泰山,它们收留它,抚养他。一晃眼多年过去,泰山已然长成了壮硕健康的青年,自小在猩猩群落里长大的他自然习得了飞檐走壁的本领。某日,泰山遇见了名为珍(史宾塞·洛克 Spencer Locke 配音)的人类女子,她是他长这么大遇见的第一个人类。
回复 :What price conscience? Abigail Disney's directorial debut, THE ARMOR OF LIGHT, follows the journey of an Evangelical minister trying to find the courage to preach about the growing toll of gun violence in America. The film tracks Reverend Rob Schenck, anti-abortion activist and fixture on the political far right, who breaks with orthodoxy by questioning whether being pro-gun is consistent with being pro-life. Reverend Schenck is shocked and perplexed by the reactions of his long-time friends and colleagues who warn him away from this complex, politically explosive issue. Along the way, Rev. Schenck meets Lucy McBath, the mother of Jordan Davis, an unarmed teenager who was murdered in Florida and whose story has cast a spotlight on "Stand Your Ground" laws. McBath, also a Christian, decides to work with Schenck even though she is pro-choice. Lucy is on a difficult journey of her own, trying to make sense of her devastating loss while using her grief to effect some kind of viable and ...