早春In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
早春In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
回复 :1944年,二战末期,户枝是奄美群岛中一所国民学校的教师。岛上有海军特攻艇的驻守,而朔则是最近新调来的中尉。几次见面后,中尉深深被户枝所吸引,与此同时,用心学唱岛歌的中尉也让户枝有所沉醉。几番往来后,互有好感的二人终于坠入了爱河。然而,对中尉深深的爱却让户枝备受折磨,永无休止的战事使她的爱人随时处于被召唤出征的状态…… 本片根据小说家岛尾敏雄和其妻子岛尾美保执笔的《岛的尽头》与《海边的生与死》改编。
回复 :一个慈善家害死了一对新婚夫妇,他试图为自己的过错而赎罪.
回复 :In 1999, two friends use a webcam for the first time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be haunted.