回复 :在某个普通的郊外住宅区青草丛内,生活着一群普普通通的菜园蜗牛。这群慢吞吞的小家伙安于现状,朝九晚五,躲避着人类和乌鸦等强大天敌的袭击,享受着来自大自然的馈赠。但是,在它们中间却有一个异想天开的家伙,它叫特伯(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 配音),极度崇拜方程 式赛车手盖·盖尼耶,梦想能够体验风驰电掣所带来的无上快感。在一次意外事件过后,特伯的身体悄悄发生了变化,它拥有梦寐以求的极速,俨然成为一辆蜗牛赛车,并且盲打误撞被带入人类社会。从此以后,印第安纳波利斯的500赛车赛不再是梦想,特伯注定在人类世界书写属于刺激的速度传奇……
回复 :The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year following a different people and group of suspenders. Every Sunday they pierce themselves with hooks and hang in mid-air from rigs in a display that challenges the perceptions and squeamishness of even the most hardened. The film is a fly on the wall documentary showing how the ordinary human body can achieve extraordinary things. Beginning with groups in London, and then following events in Rico, Croatia and Oslo, Norway, the film depicts a wide variety of experience and opinions, and delves thoughtfully into a deeply misunderstood practice On Tender Hooks was a self-funded project filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton. Completed in 2012 it is an example of independent film-making at its purest. Written by Kate Shenton
回复 :影片讲述了一群毛头小子为了征战冰上曲棍球比赛而组队的故事,在这个过程中他们不仅需要大量专业的训练提高技能,同时也面临着处理人际关系和团队合作的棘手问题。虽然小小的年纪已然承担起如此繁重的责任,但是每个队员也都通过相处跟磨合最终实现了技术的飞跃与个体的成长。