回复 :We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to beSet in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France in the summer of 1944 a squad of American paratroopers struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become increasingly heightened in the heat of battle, trust becomes not only their hope but their fear as well. Are their allies really who they appears to be Shannon productions have completed principle photography on their first Feature film, 'Battle Recon' written and directed by Robert Shannon. They are now working in association with the Molinaire film and TV village to complete post production and Special Effects. 2011 will see the project develop into a series for television.
回复 :甫成年的朱利歐告別鄉村來到里斯本討生活,無奈工作難尋,只能認份地跟著叔叔學做鞋匠。與年輕而命運相仿的管家伊爾達相戀後,對生存與生活的殘酷命題有了更深刻的體悟……葡萄牙新電影先驅,對當時經濟與社會提出最真摯也最具挑戰性的大膽詰問,有評論認為由此開端的電影浪潮,間接引發了終結獨裁的康乃馨革命。
回复 :在一个小镇上,冰山女校和火云男校世代争斗。但现在的女子高校头领冰蓝却一心想停止战争、求的和平,不料争强好胜的火云高校头领火云却一心想成为一方霸主。两高校本就难以平息的斗争,又因为三十年前销声匿迹的魔衣和魔衣军团的重现江湖而更加激烈,最后以冰蓝高校取得阶段性胜利而结束。