回复 :Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved.Episode GuideSeason 1 Episode 6:Screaming Eagles in AfghanistanHow the 101st Airborne Division, also known as the Screaming Eagles, faced the Taliban in Afghanistan during Operation Dragon Strike in 2010Season 1 Episode 5:Beheading the TalibanHow American soldiers faced an intense battle in September 2006 against nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters in AfghanistanSeason 1 Episode 4:Road to BaghdadDocumentary that captures the conflict from the American soldier's point of view in the 21-day bloody battle for BaghdadSeason 1 Episode 3:Tet OffensiveDocu-drama examining the Tet Offensive of 1968, during which an elite band of US Special Operations troops was called in to rescue civilians trapped in the border town of Chau DocSeason 1 Episode 2:FallujahDocu-drama recalling Operation Phantom Fury in 2004, launched by the US and its allies to counter extremists in Fallujah, one of Iraq's most volatile citiesSeason 1 Episode 1:Search & DestroyDocu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved. In the first edition, troops of the US 4th Infantry Division run into a massive force of Vietnamese soldiers on the Cambodian border in 1967
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回复 :故事发生在名为蓝色之声的配音演员事务所之中,在这里工作的,都是那种初出茅庐,并没有什么配音经验的无名小卒,而他们共同的特点,就是对配音这项事业充满了热情和冲劲。半路出家,还在上培训班就决定入职蓝色之声的六石阳菜(内山悠里菜 配音)、说话直来直去个性大大咧咧,为了弟弟才入坑的高中生鹰取舞花(稗田宁宁 配音)、性格内向,总是无法很好的表达自己想法,同时也对自己的声音充满了不自信的鹿野志穗(守屋亨香 配音)、从小就渴望成为配音演员,如今成为了众人内心里坚实的依靠的月居穗乃香(绪方佑奈 配音),活跃在蓝色之声的,是这些个性迥异的配音演员们。