回复 :Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.
回复 :
回复 :话说当年武林有六位高手,号称“一狂、双姬、三毒掌”。“一狂”是“火云狂魔”古必邪(余子明);“双姬”是“无敌飞环”孙翠环(梁珊)及“无敌飞铃”孙翠玲(罗兰);“三毒掌”则分别为“天魔”裘天仞(高雄)、“地怪”(俞明)和“人妖”(周吉)。由于六人武功不相上下,每年竞争“武林盟主”,都要经过一番激战来定夺。“火云狂魔”凭“如来神掌”压倒群雄,得“武林盟主”凡三年之久。这一年,“狂魔”再以三式“如来神掌”击败其余五人。狂魔虽胜,然元气却大伤,正欲返家调养,中途遭“无敌飞环”孙翠环与“天魔”合谋暗算。孙翠环加以对狂魔仰慕,更以美色引诱,乘其心迷意乱,将其打至残废,“天魔”更将“狂魔”打落悬崖。“天魔”心狠手辣,竟将怀有自己骨肉的孙翠环暗算,然后扬长而去。“无敌飞环”则气得经脉大乱,差点走火入魔。时光飞逝,转瞬六十寒暑,江湖上“一狂、双姬、三毒掌”已销声匿...