回复 :《少女与战车》最终章六部分中的第二部分。
回复 :长相可爱个性爽朗的狮堂光(椎名碧流 配音)、心思细腻温柔高贵的大小姐龙崎海(吉田古奈美 配音)、智勇双全成熟稳重的凤凰寺风(笠原弘子 配音),命运让这三名个性迥异的女孩相遇了,她们被选中成为了魔法骑士,前往濒临崩溃的锡菲罗,拯救那里的居民于水火之中。支撑着锡菲罗的支柱是名叫艾美诺(绪方惠美 配音)的公主,她为了这个城市而生,为了这个城市而活,通过虔诚的祈祷,艾美诺保佑着锡菲罗。然而,艾美诺却爱上了她的神官谢加图(小杉十郎太 配音),因此而无法集中精神祈祷,锡菲罗因此而遇到了前所未有的危机,解决危机的方法只有一个,那就是杀掉艾美诺。
回复 :PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.