回复 :A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations.
回复 :虽然已在FX有《美国恐怖故事 American Horror Story》﹑《美国罪案故事 American Crime Story》及《宿敌 Feud》三部剧,不过Ryan Murphy仍然没停下步伐,他为FX开拍第四部剧《姿态 Pose》,并已获FX正式预订8集的首 季(预定18年夏季播出)。Ryan Murphy会编剧及执导首集,并与Nina Jacobson及Brad Simpson同为制片人。被指是跳舞音乐剧的《姿态》会同时讲述80年代纽约在生活﹑社会上的几个片段,包括川普时代的初现﹑下城区的社会和文学,以及LGBT文化等。Evan Peters及Kate Mara饰演新泽西州的伴侣Stan与Patty,他们陷于五光十色﹑复杂的80年代纽约里。James Van Der Beek饰演财务龙头Matt,Peters为他工作﹑Charlayne Woodard饰演50岁的黑人角色(该角原本是Tatiana Maslany饰演,不过後来重新选角并修改了设定)。
回复 :Paul Attanasio执笔的CBS剧《女局长 Tommy》获正式预订,剧中讲述一位前高级纽约警官Abigail “Tommy” Thomas(Edie Falco饰)成为洛杉矶警察首位女局长后,她如何用诚实但强硬的手段解决各种社会﹑政治﹑国家问题。其余主演包括 Michael Chernus﹑Adelaide Clemens﹑Russell G. Jones﹑Olivia Lucy Phillip﹑Thomas Sadoski及Joseph Lyle Taylor。