一名被百年诅咒束缚的律师和一名掌握着他的自由的公务员纠缠在一起,不好谱出一段意外的恋曲。恋爱不可抗力 | 8月23日, Netflix独家
一名被百年诅咒束缚的律师和一名掌握着他的自由的公务员纠缠在一起,不好谱出一段意外的恋曲。恋爱不可抗力 | 8月23日, Netflix独家
回复 :十五集电视连续剧《中国出了个毛泽东》在陕北(1~3集)在西柏坡(4~6集)在中南海(7~8集)困难年代(9~12集)垂暮岁月(13~15集)
回复 :Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
回复 :《海盗旗升起》(非常)松散地改编自18世纪绅士海盗Stede Bonnet的真实冒险故事。在把看似美妙的绅士生活交换为惊心动魄的海盗生活后,Stede成为了复仇号海盗船的船长。Stede一直在努力赢得可能会叛变的船员的尊重,而在与臭名昭著的黑胡子船长发生一场决定性的冲突后,他的命运发生了变化。令他们惊讶的是,截然不同的Stede和黑胡子在公海上找到的不仅仅是友谊……他们找到了爱情。现在,两人必须从中幸存下来。