拥有健全感性的善良人市川京太郎,民权对位于食物链顶点的美少女山田杏奈在意得不得了。通过观察发现山田意外的一面…!? 虽然完全不知道在想什么不过非常贪吃,民权不如说除了吃根本什么都没在想,简直是个脑袋空空的人型母猪。理应不会缩短的两人间的距离,奇迹会发生吗!? 就这样京太郎的青春,正非常安静地发生变化……
拥有健全感性的善良人市川京太郎,民权对位于食物链顶点的美少女山田杏奈在意得不得了。通过观察发现山田意外的一面…!? 虽然完全不知道在想什么不过非常贪吃,民权不如说除了吃根本什么都没在想,简直是个脑袋空空的人型母猪。理应不会缩短的两人间的距离,奇迹会发生吗!? 就这样京太郎的青春,正非常安静地发生变化……
回复 :An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does exist.The show started as a short pilot on a YouTube channel owned by Olan Rogers who became popular for his story telling.
回复 :炼金术,一种建立在等价交换原则基础上的科学,将物质进行理解、分解、再构造,将一种物品变成另外一种。但是,这样先进的技术却不能进行人体炼成,这是炼金术绝对的禁忌。可是,拥有极高炼金术天赋的爱德华(朴璐美 配音)和阿尔冯斯(钉宫理恵 配音)兄弟,因为对母亲极大的思念不惜触犯禁忌。而最终的代价却是,爱德华失去了一条手臂和一条腿,弟弟阿尔冯斯只能将灵魂依附在一副巨大的装甲之内。终于明白一切的兄弟俩,为了恢复原状,寻求更多的炼金术知识,成为国家炼金术师踏上了寻找终极炼金物品——贤者之石的旅程。在不断的探索中,两兄弟终于发现了贤者之石背后的真相,对身处的这个军事化国家也有了更深入的了解。此时,面对国家、民族、家庭……炼金术的未来究竟在何处。
回复 :After the events of Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019), Poe Dameron and BB-8 must make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet Mustafar where they meet the greedy and conniving Graballa the Hutt. The crime boss has purchased Darth Vader's castle and is renovating it into the galaxy's first all-inclusive Sith-inspired luxury hotel. While waiting for his X-Wing to be repaired, Poe, BB-8, Graballa, and Dean (a plucky and courageous young boy who works as Graballa's mechanic) venture deep into the mysterious castle with Vader's loyal servant, Vaneé.