亚洲After discovering a set of cryptic microcassettes in her new home, Cas is drawn into a meditative mystery of environmental sound and experimental music.
亚洲After discovering a set of cryptic microcassettes in her new home, Cas is drawn into a meditative mystery of environmental sound and experimental music.
回复 :阿娟(蔡嘉茵 饰)本该是一个快乐的30岁女青年,可是她105公斤的体重总让她成为周遭人议论和嘲笑的对象,灰暗的生活中,只有温暖的食物才能带给阿娟一丝丝的安慰,但这显然是一种恶性循环。在生日这一天,母亲送给了阿娟一套减重课程作为礼物,人生道路上接连遭遇挫折的阿娟虽然很不情愿,但亦明白,自己不得不踏上减肥的旅途。在此过程中,阿娟邂逅了名为吴浩仁的快递员,知道了他隐藏在开朗表象之下的悲惨过去;又在误打误撞之中撞破了旁人眼中的模范男孩的女装秘密。接二连三的事件让阿娟开始明白,每个人都有着自己的深渊。
回复 :来自小镇的女子渴望成为舞者,她打扮成男子在一家经营不善的变装酒吧表演。
回复 :On Christmas Day, DAVID, 15, finds out that his boyfriend, JONATHAN, 17, has taken another lover. The discovery leads him on the brink of depression making him think of ways to have him back at all cost. He has invited Jonathan to see him on this day for the last time. And through the frenzy of his preparations prior to meeting Jonathan, we will discover his traits and personality; the 'worlds' he lives in - virtual and real; and, we will witness how he prepares for his most unique shout-out that he will make not only on his Facebook wall, but, in his life.