回复 :A tough guy turned star. He did something others wouldn't dare. Always one step ahead of the cops and always downed a whiskey before robbing a bank. Growing up in a broken home Attila (Bence Szalay) was a troubled teenager, even spent time in a youth prison. Through a rather bizarre turn of events he escaped to Hungary from Transylvania. But his new life turned out to be much harder than the old one. He was the goal-keeper on a hockey team, but still had no money, no girlfriend; but then he found something that he's really good at. He was reckless, fast and meticulous. He started robbing post offices, banks, travel offices. The more he stole, the hungrier he got. Nothing was enough for himself and his new love (Piroska Móga). But his final job didn't go as planned and the determined investigator, (Zoltán Schneider) who's long been on his tail finally caught him and made him face the consequences. But the cop-robber game is far from over. A story of a fascinating life, full of amazing pursuits, action scenes - told through the lense of legendary director of Kontroll and Predators, Nimród Antal.
回复 :年轻的耶和华见证会传教士亚娜在一次礼拜中被愤怒的当地人烧毁了她的礼拜场所,她感到十分震惊。她的丈夫大卫设法获得了这次袭击的闭路电视录像。但在他们与年幼的儿子同住的格鲁吉亚偏远村庄里,他对正义的追求引发了一系列事件,他们将发现这个家庭被完全孤立,完全听任敌对的当地警察的摆布。
回复 :一个“land girl(特指二战中在家从事农活的妇女)”,一个美国军队征召人员,一个英国士兵,他们三个人在通往坎特伯雷的路上的一个叫肯特的小镇相遇了。这个小镇正在经受一个神秘的“胶水男”的折磨,这个“胶水男”会把胶水浇在夜里和士兵出去约会的少女的头发上。于是他们三个人便试图追查出“胶水男”的真实身份,并把嫌疑集中在了当地的法官--一个对英格兰历史,尤其是对坎特伯雷的历史有着神秘的观点的神秘人物--身上……