回复 :女主(久间田琳加 饰)的高中前男友成濑大和(盐野瑛久 饰),同时也是男主(山中柔太朗 饰)的哥哥,三人将展开一段复杂的三角恋爱。
回复 :A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations.
回复 :Major, Carver and Kelly have gone their separate ways. Things are looking up for the AI-enhanced Major, whilst Carver is gunning for a promotion and is knee deep in a new case.