大学教授广川诚司(小田切让)的妻子因病亡故,天堂在葬礼的那天晚上,天堂一位神秘女性拜访他,但完全看不到人。之后,广川所在大学的总长也突然去世,新总长的选举引发了一系列的猜忌矛盾,奇怪的事越来越多,甚至周围的垃圾堆裡还发现了尸体。而广川周遭的人也慢慢出现了违和感,暗自积极于总长选举的同僚, 妻子生前同事水岛丽(仲里依纱),恐怖与不安的气氛逐渐蔓延……
大学教授广川诚司(小田切让)的妻子因病亡故,天堂在葬礼的那天晚上,天堂一位神秘女性拜访他,但完全看不到人。之后,广川所在大学的总长也突然去世,新总长的选举引发了一系列的猜忌矛盾,奇怪的事越来越多,甚至周围的垃圾堆裡还发现了尸体。而广川周遭的人也慢慢出现了违和感,暗自积极于总长选举的同僚, 妻子生前同事水岛丽(仲里依纱),恐怖与不安的气氛逐渐蔓延……
回复 :女優の高橋ひかるが31日からFOD(フジテレビ・オン・デマンド)で配信される連続ドラマ『パフェちっく!』で初主演を務めることがわかった。原作漫画はななじ眺(ながむ)氏により2000年から 2007年まで集英社『マーガレット』で連載され、累計発行部数500万部(デジタル版含む/全22巻)を誇るトライアングル・ラブコメディー。共演には『動物戦隊ジュウオウジャー』に主演した俳優・中尾暢樹が起用された。
回复 :Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!” One day when his girlfriend broke up with him, he fell apart in despair. He later discovered that the girl who broke his heart was the cousin of law student Bom. Jin misunderstands that Bom and his cousin were flirting when actually he likes Jin. Bom has liked him since he was a freshman one year ago after Jin exchanged Bom’s lunchbox (because he couldn’t eat anything spicy) with his own food and rice. As feelings grow between them, can Jin understand Bom’s true intentions and come to see Bom as more than just a junior?
回复 :1950 年代的伊斯坦堡大都会,一个有着艰辛过往的母亲到一家夜店工作,只为与当年她无力抚养、而今桀骜不驯的女儿再度交会,并设法帮忙她。