看剧After a winter storm strands five friends in a remote cabin with no power and little food, disorientation slowly claims their sanity as each of them succumbs to a fear that the snow itself may be contaminated or somehow evil.
看剧After a winter storm strands five friends in a remote cabin with no power and little food, disorientation slowly claims their sanity as each of them succumbs to a fear that the snow itself may be contaminated or somehow evil.
回复 :故事讲述8岁的珍妮经常被她的律师妈妈麦琪和艺术家爸爸杰夫之间的不和所困扰。她过着虽然孤独但却很富有想象力的生活,身边还有一群以她父亲的作品为原型、被称为“恐怖亲戚”的木偶。麦琪在一起肇事逃逸事件中不幸身亡,杰夫和珍妮试图开始新的生活。但当麦琪的父亲起诉要求抚养权,保姆萨曼莎试图成为这个家的新女主人时,他们在布鲁克林的乡村小屋生活发生了一个黑暗的转折。可怕的木偶竟然都活过来了,珍妮是唯一能看到他们的人。当这些恐怖生物的动机变得清晰时,每个人的生命都处于非常危险的境地......
回复 :Leslie Calvin, the sole survivor of a submarine accident, goes to her relatives in order to recover emotionally. Unfortunately she encounters various scam artists led by Mr. Sydney who intend to kill her and steal the family assets. Dr. George Grover helps Leslie to defeat Sydney.
回复 :富商马老板买下了位于山中的一幢别墅,带着妻儿搬了进去,然而,在住进去的第一晚,就发生了科学无法解释的怪异事件。马老板找来了风水先生来看房,风水先生告诉马老板,他所住的是一间凶宅,其中的怨灵只有找两男两女四名年轻人住在里面七天七夜才能够镇压化解。穷游的四个学生英子(陈美行饰)、赵大海(曾帅饰)、思思(濡雪饰)和钱多多(孙浩饰)成为了马老板的目标。马老板出高价让四人住进了凶宅,并且拜托他们搭设摄像机,拍下一切。四人住进去没多久,便发生了恐怖的事件,恐惧的情绪亦让他们四人之间屡屡爆发争吵。