回复 :In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer.Negative headlines are nothing new for the contraceptive pill - first introduced in 1961, it has had a chequered history with early versions linked to cancer risk and life-threatening blood clots. Yet hormonal contraception remains Britain's most popular form of birth control, and today over three million women take regular doses of synthetic hormones. So should they be worried about its safety?GP Dr Zoe Williams gets behind the headlines in this Horizon investigation. A specially commissioned, nationwide survey reveals the areas of most concern to British women - from mental health to the risk of cancer and drop in libido. With the help of world leading scientists, Zoe finds out if these concerns are justified and by delving deep into the science around the pills side effects Horizon uncovers some striking revelations - from protecting women against cancer to increasing their risk of suicide.
回复 :达比本来是看管属地的,但因为年迈被麦克代替了位置。达比常与森林中的小人国国王布莱恩喝酒狂欢,但是因为常人看不见小人国的人,所以达比被人视为因失业而颠狂。布莱恩要满足达比三个愿望,善良的达比愿求爱女凯蒂有美 好归宿,当凯蒂不慎坠落悬崖,达比许愿让自己代死,而布莱恩将达比推离了死神,凯蒂与麦克也有了美好的结局,达比心愿全都达成。
回复 :琼(凯瑟琳·特纳 Kathleen Turner 饰)是一名小说家,创作过许许多多充满了冒险和刺激的故事,销量十分可观。可是尽管如此,琼自己的生活却向来四平八稳波澜不惊,在内心里,她十分希望能够和自己笔下的主人公那样,来一场奇遇。机会很快就来临了,某日,琼收到了一封来自哥伦比亚的来信,原来,琼的姐姐伊莱恩(玛丽艾伦泰勒 Mary Ellen Trainor 饰)被宝石大盗艾拉(Zack Norman 饰)和纳尔夫(丹尼·德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)绑架了,他们所要的并非赎金,而是一张藏宝图。心急如焚的琼立刻启程赶往哥伦比亚。在那里,琼结识了英明神武胆识过人的男子杰克(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰),两人结伴继续前进。