回复 :这部时长90分 钟的电影以云南边防某部女上尉陆遥 将一个“落后连”打造成“标兵连”的故事 为主线,呈现了共和国女军官“巾帼不 让须眉”的风采和新形势下边防军人的 崭新风貌。
回复 :The issue of War widow representation in Israeli cinema is one of the most complex for the local industry for it seems to be unique and with a very local and specific iconography.The war Widow is a difficult character to digest. Because this is an especially painful topic in Israel, its mode of representation is almost always problematic.Gila Almagor in Tofano's "siege" is one of the first characters of the "modern" war widows to appear on Israeli cinema screens.The human and social complexity of the status of widows was not represented adequately and personally until her complex and fine appearance in this film.It was mostly Preceded by cliches of heroic women who have sacrificed for the nation with characters to which it was very difficult to get attached, nor to their personal grief."Siege" was directed by an unknown Italian director of that period. Although Gilberto Tofano was brought as a professional director on the wings of inspiration made by the French New Wave of those years, he managed to turn out a very exciting work which has caught the Israeli warmth and sense of social siege which surrounds the Israeli widows, including the great expectations from them and the social stigmas.Tofano wrapped his leading lady with lots of warmth and gave a place of honor to Almagor's impressive presence in the film.This is without a doubt one of Almagor's best and most accurate performances. The restraint in her performance plus the shooting and expressive use of angles by Tofano and his soft European touch which was far off from the aggressive local product managed to produce a sense of documenting an authentic tragedy with a tangible personal touch that minimized the national dimension. The result stands the test of time proudly several decades after its creation.
回复 :民国初年,东北地区形势复杂,军阀、土匪、日本特务势力交错,各占地盘,民不聊生。军阀林国栋虽无大志,但仍有爱国之心,日本多次拉拢,俱不为所动。区内唯有福星镇一地,可称为人间乐土,奇怪地向不受土匪侵袭,各山头均传说此地邪门,凡土匪冒犯福星镇者,都会无故消失。其实是有七大退隐江湖的武林高手隐居于此,当中包括小裁缝娇婆四(王祖蓝 饰)、开饭店的姐妹麦当娜(吴君如 饰)与麦当红(谢娜 饰)、当奶妈的花天娇(曾志伟 饰)、道士甲乙炳(元华 饰)、卖胭脂水粉的小喇叭(郑中基 饰)跟妓院老板娘黛玉姐(孟瑶 饰),人人身怀绝技。他们每一次都把土匪消灭得干干净净,保了镇民平安。林国栋(洪金宝 饰)的女儿雪儿(童菲 饰),喜爱烹饪,时来镇上买新鲜蔬果,由于美丽活泼,深得众侠欢心,尤其是小裁缝娇婆四,更是对她一见钟情,把她当梦中情人。日本女特务黑泽青子,勾结汉奸猛虎庄之洪虎、洪豹、洪凤,设立情报基地,用密码传送情报回国,并对林国栋施以色诱,然后以忍术控制其神智,再要害死雪儿,幸雪儿逃脱。雪儿逃往福星镇求七侠救父亲出险境。七侠尚未考虑清楚,青子已先下手为强,雇用杀手来狙杀他们,全镇老百姓愤而反抗,连百岁老人亦不甘后人,感动了七侠,一齐出手,击退杀手。七侠连手赶赴猛虎庄。是日青子一手安排了她与林国栋的婚礼,妄图成为师长夫人后控制林国栋的军队,幸众侠及时赶到,破坏婚礼,林国栋恢复神智,与众侠合力大战青子与洪家兄妹,终尽歼强敌!七侠远去,林国栋亦决意全力对抗日本势力,誓保我国好河山。