回复 :The Titans are worried when Starfire says she has sent all of her money to a prince online, especially when it could be the Clown Prince himself.2kyb.com
回复 :许多年过去,地球在Z战士的保卫下日渐和平与繁荣。某天,皮拉夫大王和他的爪牙历经千辛万苦来到神殿,找到了神仙与比克大魔王分身前制造的黑星龙珠。由于孙悟空的突然出现,皮拉夫慌忙之中许下让孙悟空变成少年模样的愿望。在此之后,黑星龙珠散落到宇宙各个角落,如果在一年之内无法找到七颗黑星龙珠的话,地球将会爆炸毁灭。情况危急,小悟空和孙女小芳开始了一段惊险刺激的宇宙大冒险。超级17号、邪恶龙等强大的对手接连出现,悟空面临更大的挑战……本片根据鸟山明人气原著漫画《龙珠》改编,不过剧情并非鸟山明原创,系东映动画公司取得授权后全新创作的动画。鸟山明参与了部分的人设工作。
回复 :A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.This series is set in the fictional Beach City, where ageless alien warriors, the Crystal Gems, live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting the world from evil. They project female humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal Gems are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, a young half-human, half-Gem boy who inherited his gemstone from his mother, the Gems' former leader Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out his powers, he spends his days with his human father Greg, his friend Connie, other people in Beach City, or the other Gems, whether to help them save the world or just to hang out. He explores the abilities passed down to him by his mother, which include fusion (the ability of Gems to merge their identities and bodies to form a new and more powerful personality).