回复 :一支由拉兹洛·安东诺夫领导的训练有素的罪犯组成的小部队在英吉利海峡深处劫持了“欧洲之星”。
回复 :It's Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their parents instead. To their surprise, the destination is a spectacular remote island. But a terrifying storm rolls in and they're forced to seek shelter at a mansion belonging to the eccentric ...
回复 :議員之子車禍撞死人卻肇事逃逸回家,議員政治生涯陷入危機;死者父親驟然喪子,為查明兒子死因不顧一切;而死者的中國移民未婚妻,作為案發現場唯一目睹全部真相的目擊者,此刻卻莫名消失,施害者、受害者、目擊者,在真相面前展開生死殊鬥。慾望與真情,仇恨與報復,三個人都已經回不了頭??《被轉校生》(第11屆亞洲新導演獎)導演新作,情節反轉曲折,心理刻畫細緻入微,受邀參加柏林影展,廣受關注。