回复 :CW已续订《吸血鬼日记》第八季。
回复 :南宋末,侠士张真(罗乐林)盗玺离京,亡命之际误伤了乘花轿出嫁之柳婉容(刘美娟)。容垂危之际幸得樵夫天生(刘锡明)相救。但却惹来闲言,容未婚夫杨凭虎(程思俊)因而悔约退婚。容父柳鹤亭(鲍方)为存颜面,令容往道观斋守一生,容伤心投河恰为生所救,二人避居山野互生情愫。此时,生亦救了伤重的真,真感生诚实忠厚,乃将玉玺相托,后容为生诞一下子,此事被凭虎所知,虎妒恨之下竟扮作山贼将生打成重伤,容扶生及幼子往求父,但亭见死不救,最后生重伤身亡,容亦因此殉夫自尽,死前将儿子交托婢女月仙(黄敏仪)抚养。二十年后,容子凌岸枫(郑伊健)长大成人,与好友石松出镇谋生,并先后认识了虎之女杨千千(梁小冰)以及用客栈掩饰身分的反元义军江腾(林尚武)、敖非洇(陈慧仪),江、敖等混入镇内主要是为刺杀蒙古王爷布木耳(王伟),枫初暗恋敖,但敖的美貌亦引来亭的孙柳彦龙(张卫健)的追求。...
回复 :PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating seniors compete in a series of challenges, winner takes all, which they believe is their one and only chance to escape their circumstances and make their lives better. But this year, the rules have changed — the pot of money is larger than ever and the game has become even more dangerous. The players will come face to face with their deepest, darkest fears and be forced to decide how much they are willing to risk in order to win.