人妻Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.
人妻Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.
回复 :After being caught with her lover, a woman becomes hunted by her own relatives who want to kill her for their family's honor.
回复 :泰国一支男子排球队于1996年比赛中取得冠军,观众对于队员的精湛球技并无质疑,令人议论纷纷的却是队员的身份性别:因为他们不是同性恋者便是变性人。虽然球队只属业余性质,但他们在初赛时所向披靡,且顺利进入六个月后举行的总决赛,可惜问题接续而来:他们之间的内哄、外间球队的冷嘲热讽,还有排球比赛协会的蓄意排斥……
回复 :本片描述纽约的一名年青乐师试图帮忙给一名女店员堕胎,虽然徒劳无功,但年青乐师已经通过短暂的接触,对女店员暗萌爱意,于是决定娶她为妻。本片是最早以“堕胎问题"为题材的写实爱情影片之一,大量的纽约街头实景与两名主角的精彩演出使本片的内容看来相当生动逼真,但导演罗伯特·马利根的表现平平,并未达到其最高水平。