回复 :議員之子車禍撞死人卻肇事逃逸回家,議員政治生涯陷入危機;死者父親驟然喪子,為查明兒子死因不顧一切;而死者的中國移民未婚妻,作為案發現場唯一目睹全部真相的目擊者,此刻卻莫名消失,施害者、受害者、目擊者,在真相面前展開生死殊鬥。慾望與真情,仇恨與報復,三個人都已經回不了頭⋯⋯《被轉校生》(第11屆亞洲新導演獎)導演新作,情節反轉曲折,心理刻畫細緻入微,受邀參加柏林影展,廣受關注。
回复 :In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran, aspiring filmmaker and charismatic up-and-coming voice in fringe politics, began production on his film 'Gray State.' Set in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film's crowd funded trailer was enthusiastically received by the burgeoning online community of libertarians, Tea Party activists as well as members of the nascent alt-right. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorists who speculate that Crowley was assassinated by a shadowy government concerned about a film and filmmaker that was getting too close to the truth about their aims.
回复 :开片是说书人因聚众滋事,被警察(黄霑 饰)带到了警局问话,借说书人之口讲述了粤剧金牌编剧——南海十三郎艺海浮沉的一生。作为江太史公的十三子,江誉镠(谢君豪 饰)自由顽皮,出入名流场所。一次偶然的舞会,他遇到了上海的千金小姐莉莉(吴绮莉 饰),然而双方有缘相逢,无 份结亲。后来,他跟随她来到上海,竟落得穷困潦倒。2年后,回到了广东的家中,他已被学校除名。当时太史公已经年事已高,他便天天去看戏,从不受戏班老板薛老五赏识,到后来成为御用编剧一鸣惊人,人送绰号——南海十三郎。然而,时局动荡,他到了江西写剧本慰劳前线战士,因看不过同行媚俗之作,愤然出手,不欢而散。这时一次车祸,让他与昔日恋人重逢,可惜她已嫁给老外。十三郎郁郁寡欢,后来入寺修行,却在一次代人祈福的对话中,得知了自己家道中落的败局,他疯了……