回复 :Rainer Kohlberger is prepared to go far when it comes to the physical experiences he evokes with his work. Answering the Sun demands the utmost from its audience. The invitation is to squint our eyes and allow the most amazing trips to unfold – just like when we were children letting the sun come in. However, the work is simultaneously a 60-minute bombardment of coloured fields and a wall of sound, followed by a hallucinatory, silent inky-black sequence.In the darkened cinema with its immense screen, the strong lights create afterimages on our retina, while the acoustic stimuli cause the ears to generate their own sounds. The human body seems to be taken over when the senses are overstimulated and tricked. If you are prepared to surrender this creates a unique trip, leaving us guessing as to what the person in the next seat experienced.WARNING NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY
回复 :大雄相信天空上有云之国,遭到好友们的嘲笑。哆啦A梦用未来的神奇工具和大雄共同打造属于自己的云之国,建好之后,好友们被邀请上来,大家度过一段快乐的时光。漂浮的云之国停在阿尔卑斯山上,大雄他们解救了一个神秘的男孩,不久后男孩失踪。正当他们四处寻找的时候,突然真正的云之国出现在他们面前。小伙伴们受到邀请,见识到了云之国高度发达的文明,深表惊奇。但是他们却被天上人软禁,无法回到地面。更进一步得知,天上人正在密谋一个“诺亚计划”,企图用洪水将为非作歹的人类从地球上抹去……
回复 :赛罗奥特曼是赛文奥特曼的儿子,自十年前登场以来一直保持着超高人气。和他并肩作战的伙伴捷德奥特曼又是宿敌贝利亚的儿子。他们这两对的父子关系截然不同。本作将赛罗奥特曼、捷德奥特曼英勇作战的片段节选集锦,为您带来不一样的乐趣!