魔动A stand-up show that touches on topics such as artificial intelligence, political correctness, family weddings, funerals, and the end of humanity.
魔动A stand-up show that touches on topics such as artificial intelligence, political correctness, family weddings, funerals, and the end of humanity.
回复 :本片展示了画展开幕式之前一位艺术家的日常及其与他人的关系。生活中的混乱成为了她的灵感源泉。
回复 :Ji-cheol is a job seeker who only plays and eats, and is the boyfriend of Eun-je who runs a small store. Meanwhile, Joong-hoo, a hikikumori, became a regular after accidentally seeing Eun-je in the store. She is mistaking her kindness for her affection for herself. Joong-hoo started stalking her SNS every day. In the end, after approaching Eun-je with an innocent face, he succeeds in locking up Eun-je. As Eun-je disappears and the money supply is cut off, Ji-cheol is eager to find Eun-je. Ji-cheol, who is sad about money rather than worrying about Eun-je's safety, tries to lure Mi-seon out of her pocket money. Eun-je, who saw the scene of these two people's affair through a hidden camera, disarms Joong-hoo while drinking with him, thinking that she should somehow get out of there. Eun-je eventually escapes. Feeling empty without Eun-je, Joong-hu confines Mi-Seon, who ignored him. Three months later, someone came to Joong-hu's house and then.
回复 :1900年,帝国主义凭借洋枪洋炮叩开封闭已久的中国大门,八国联军长驱直入,烧杀抢掠,无恶不作。慈禧太后和皇帝仓皇逃出紫禁城,黎民百姓未及逃脱,遭受洋人的屠杀和凌辱。义和团将勇石不仁起兵反抗,无奈兵器落后,被洋人杀得丢盔弃甲,死伤无数。北京郊区附近,醉鬼张三(徐麟威 饰)隐居于此,他身怀绝技,武艺高强,其父曾是清廷官员,但遭到荣禄陷害,家人尽丧性命。在青梅竹马的王丽媛(惠英红 饰)的帮助下,张三杀死荣禄走狗玉面狼,逃到京城。他们与石不仁会合,四方好汉决心不惜一切代价救出被八国联军囚禁起来的妇女。一场营救行动旋即展开……