吧春Major, Carver and Kelly have gone their separate ways. Things are looking up for the AI-enhanced Major, whilst Carver is gunning for a promotion and is knee deep in a new case.
吧春Major, Carver and Kelly have gone their separate ways. Things are looking up for the AI-enhanced Major, whilst Carver is gunning for a promotion and is knee deep in a new case.
回复 :张大勇(陶大宇 饰)与干探李忠义(梁荣忠 饰)侦察一件件扑簌迷离的案件,很多案件都是案中案,谜团一个接一个,但他们还是能用自己的聪明才智揭露案情的真相,力求把犯罪分子绳之于法。他们的感情线也是同样曲折迂回:与沙展勇本是青梅竹马情侣的女友容金枝(苏玉华 饰),贪图富贵, 离开了勇却又与忠义有过一段情。记者高婕(郭可盈 饰)在与阿勇共同查案的过程中擦出了爱的火花,但由于婕本身就有男友,两人的关系进退两难……
回复 :朱承开(温兆伦 饰)与王一正(吴启华 饰)是相识多年的同事兼好友,个性和脾气迥然不同的两人曾经联手破获过不少的难解奇案。朱承开后因为性格火爆与同事产生龃龉辞去了警察的职位,转而成为了保安公司的调查科经理。事业上颇为不顺的朱承开在感情上也经历了滑铁卢,他和女友林茜(宣萱 饰)之间一直分分合合没有定数。与此同时,朱承开的前女友宋洛文(莫可欣 饰)亦出现在了朱承开的面前,本以为能够和宋洛文重修旧好的朱承开在经历了种种意外事件之后才发现,在宋洛文的背后,隐藏了许多的秘密,而他和林茜亦被卷入了危险的凶杀案之中难以自拔。
回复 :Five months later. Sydney quits the CIA and joins a Black Ops unit called "Authorized Personnel Only" alongside Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and... Sloane whom for limited immunity is co-operating with the APO. Meanwhile, the truth Sydney found out in Wittenberg endangers her relationship with Jack, and eventually she reveals the awful truth to Vaughn: about her father having Irina murdered over a year earlier.