濑户A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
濑户A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?
回复 :本片为独立纪录片导演蒋能杰留守儿童三部曲的第二部,另外两部分别为《路》和《加一》,蒋能杰致力于用影像关注社会,用镜头呼吁更多人关注留守儿童,重视乡村教育。 本片荣获第三届 凤凰视频纪录片大奖 最佳纪录长片奖、法兰克福影展 一等奖。2009年:首次走进村小,镜头记录临时学校的22个学生(其中17个为留守儿童),同时关注村小艰难申请重建。2010年:重建后的村小调来张老师教两个班,代课十几年的张老师老为转正问题烦心和奔波,跟拍的留守儿童的学习、心理、生活也面临着种种问题。2011年:代课的 张老师因种种不满,已离开村小,跟拍的孩子们面临的问题愈加严重。2012年:由于媒体的力量,村小的物质条件有所改变,但好像无力改善更多。2013年:留守儿童生活看是没什么变化,其实在悄悄变化着。2014年:又是一年春节,而跟拍的留守儿童家庭 …… 。2009: First glance at the village school, in which the lives of 22 students including 17 left-behind children, together with the unsmooth application of the school’s reconstruction, were focused on.2010: Teacher Zhang, a supply teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience, was assigned to the reconstructed school. While in charge of two classes, he was concerned about, and striving for the obtainment of permanent teaching status. Meanwhile, folks began to doubt on the quality of the school buildings, as the left-behind children were facing numerous problems in life, study and emotion.2011: Mr. Zhang left the school out of dissatisfaction. After he left, the problems those left-behind children were confronting with became more serious.2012: Thanks to the media, the material condition of the village school began to turn around. However, it still had a long way to go.2013: The situation of those left-behind children seems unchanged, but it turned out to get changed day by day.2014:As another Spring Festival comes, what is going on in those left-behind families?
回复 :麻省理工学院语言学的荣誉退休教授诺姆·乔姆斯基一直以来抨击美国政策,甚至受到生命危险。这次纪录片从他的访谈中揭示了半世纪以来美国的政策如何制造了一个经济上空前不平等的国家。感觉他和迈克尔·摩尔应该成为好朋友。
回复 :《憨憨公主的心思》原名Connasse, princesse des coeurs,又名憨直公主的心,是一部来自法国的喜剧电影。讲述了一个低社会阶层的女人决定嫁给一个富有又有权利的男人,如果成功,她将不用再努力的工作,并且拥有自己所梦想中的一切的故事。此外,这部憨憨公主的心思的剧本创意和后制作都很有意思,它使用了隐藏的相机去拍摄路人的反应。这部电影中除了女主角是在演戏外,其他人的反应和对话都是真实的,这也是本片最大的亮点。