小仓Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must stop its ascent before it fatally bursts.
小仓Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must stop its ascent before it fatally bursts.
回复 :一个身怀绝技的少年,没能通过遴选走上修真者之路,就在他调整好心态,接受这一事实的...
回复 :以军火商人的独特视角描述了一名少年佣兵在一名年轻女性所领导的军火贩卖集团中的日常生活、和他的所见所闻。另外,展现了许多真实存在的武器资料,有时会加入现实世界的国际关系,是它的特色之一。
回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.