亚洲区 逗逗迪迪之美梦年年的演职员 · · · · · · ( 全部 13 )
亚洲区 逗逗迪迪之美梦年年的演职员 · · · · · · ( 全部 13 )
回复 :戴安娜是亚马逊一族的公主,生活在天堂岛上。天堂岛是一个纯女人的国度,居民们都长生不老、头脑聪明,且拥有着巨大神力。因为一起意外事件,戴安娜离开家乡,来到了钢筋水泥的城市里,从此作为天堂岛的使者保护人类……
回复 :人类遭逢了名为“空间震”的新型灾害。震撼空间、将一切破坏殆尽的这一灾厄,是由于精灵自临界显现而发生的。为了阻止空间震,使人类免遭灾厄而必须采取的措施,是使用武力歼灭精灵,或者是——“与其约会,使其娇羞”! 让精灵娇羞,再通过“亲吻”即可封印其力量——拥有这种能力的高中生·五河士道。为了人类的和平,也为了拯救精灵们——士道在和她们的“约会”中来回奔走。对士道敞开心扉的精灵·十香、四糸乃、琴里、耶俱矢、夕弦、美九,为歼灭精灵而行动的AST,企图利用精灵的DEM,尝试与精灵对话的拉塔托斯克,以及,需要令其娇羞的新精灵——将这一切全部卷入,新的战争约会开始了——
回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.