影视A couple who sacrifice everything to achieve the highest possible accolade in the culinary world - a Michelin star.
影视A couple who sacrifice everything to achieve the highest possible accolade in the culinary world - a Michelin star.
回复 :年青干探威和丹尼欲擒毒品大拆家祖利奥,但反被他搞得头也头,遭上司连番炮轰,二人最后更被命令放假去,停止职务。离开芝加哥,威和丹尼到了西部享受阳光与海滩,更开始搞生意。对这种生活甚为享受的他们萌起退休念头,可是,当二人回到芝加哥,发现祖利奥正进行毒品大买卖……为擒他归案,二人合力联手,更展惊险的缉捕任务,看来二人的退休大计要无限期押后了……
回复 :May(杰西卡·贝尔 饰)曾经过着看起来十分完美的生活,体贴的男友,舒适的工作,安静而美好,但她总觉得缺少点什么,因此她做了一个决定,去寻找真实的自我。 某天May结识了一名私家侦探,通过侦探,她找到了自己的亲生妹妹,并且惊讶地发现她妹妹的住所离她并不遥远。她们自幼分离,这次相见,她的内心充满了忐忑,不知道究竟是好是坏,如今她的妹妹已经改名叫做Shiva(Zosia Mamet 饰),很明显,Shiva的生活一团糟……
回复 :ENDANGERED SPECIES is an intense, action packed survival-adventure about a wealthy American family who travel to the vast African wilderness of Kenya hoping for a dream vacation filled with excitement, bonding and a chance to fix the growing rifts within their family. But when their safari vehicle is attacked by a rhino protecting her calf, the family is left stranded miles from help and their dream vacation turns into a nightmarish struggle for survival in a world where they are the bottom of the food chain.