回复 :Sergei Parajanov's 89 minute color feature also known as "Ukrainskaya rapsodiya" about 2 lovers separated during World War II.
回复 :Alex, is a twenty-something year old creative based in Manila. She is out to most people except her best friend- Jess who she has been secretly in love with since they were kids. When Jess discovers the truth about Alex, they are forced to confront the feelings they have for each other.
回复 :Zack是一個喜歡吃肉骨湯的愛情騙子,他認為煮肉骨湯的祕方,和騙女人的方式是一樣的:「要選最上等的好肉、耐心烹調。」一碗可口美味的肉骨湯,隨時上桌。 麗玲和麗兒這對姐妹是Zack的新目標,他想一腳踏兩條船、求財騙色。但他萬萬沒想到,妹妹麗兒要求他把姐姐麗玲殺掉,一場前所未見的另類殺人手法,驚悚展開…