回复 :19世纪的英国有"日不落国"之称,随着两次世界大战、民族主义和资本主义兴起后,逐渐式微。本节目将逐一解说英国近代大事,细说大英帝国的兴衰。英国在欧洲历史中有不可动摇的地位,不管在政治、经济、外交等方面,都是奠定欧洲基础的基石。英国殖民地曾遍及世界各地,一天24小时都可见到太阳,所以被称为"日不落帝国"。英国之所以发展壮大、强盛发达,与对其殖民地的残酷掠夺分不开,而这也是英国盛衰的重要关键。「大英帝国实录」这一系列节目,将带各位深入了解。
回复 :没错,我们还活着。
回复 :Centuries before the world's oceans became a global trade highway, Chinese seafarers set sail to faraway lands to exchange commodities. Now, Historian Sam Willis retraces the golden era of maritime trade to uncover a legacy that culminated in one of the greatest armadas of all time, and discover parallels between the world then and now.