回复 :Bullying snob Alistair Kingslake is killed with a golf iron at the Whiteacres golf club. After another member, Miles Tully, tells Barnaby about illegal gambling among players, another member, who has had an 'odd phone call' is also slain. A figure in a blue tracksuit is seen at both murders. In fact there have been unreported assaults on members over the months. Barnaby discovers that the gambling is rife and the social-climbing steward , Mrs. Fountain, and her two warring sons are lending money to the gamblers and assaulting them if they fail to pay. Indeed Mrs. Fountain's scheming has driven the killer to commit the Dogleg Murders.
回复 :Natalie Gulbis-高尔夫球冠军Melissa Rivers-电视主持人 /制片人Tom Green-喜剧演员Tionne Watkins-说唱明星 /TLC女子组合Scott Hamilton-花样滑冰冠军Khloe Kardashian-真人秀明星Joan Rivers-喜剧演员Jesse James-企业家/电视明星Herschel Walker-橄榄球运动云 /霍索恩纪念奖得主Annie Duke-扑克冠军Brande Roderick-《花花公子》年度女郎Brian McKnight-R&B灵歌明星Claudia Jordan-演员/模特Clint Black-乡村歌手Dennis Rodman-NBA篮球明星
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