回复 :《混乱之子》发生在一个虚构的加州小镇(Charming)上,面对毒品贩子和大型土地开发商的步步紧逼,一家黑白两道皆有名望的非法摩托车俱乐部奋起反抗--不仅要保护自己,也要保护小镇的安宁。故事的主人公Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam扮演) 正处在激烈的思想冲突中,一方面他深爱自己手下这帮兄弟,另一方面他也希望俱乐部彻底摆脱“非法”的阴影。其他的主要人物包括Jax天生威严的母亲及担任俱乐部主席的继父。From Kurt Sutter, writer/producer of The Shield, comes Sons of Anarchy, a dark drama set in Charming, a sheltered community watched over by a renegade motorcycle club intent on protecting the town from the newcomers that threaten it. Jackson "Jax" Teller is one member of the brotherhood, who finds his own loyalty to the group tested when he experiences its increasing lawlessness and notoriety, while at the same time adjusting to life as a father. But confusing matters are Jax's mother and stepfather, two ruthless individuals who happen to be the masterminds behind the club.Sons of Anarchy is broadcast on FX, and produced by FX Productions, Art Linson Productions and Fox 21. The series has been picked up for a full 13-episode first season.
回复 :Fleeing from the twin horrors of prospective marriage and the baleful Aunt Agatha, Bertie sails to New York with Jeeves, where he hopes to lie low but instead he is charged with minding the ultra-shy mother's boy Wilmot, son of Lady Malvern, and showing him the high life. Oddly enough Wilmot takes only too well to the night-spots of Manhattan, wearing Bertie out in the process. Tuppy Glossop also arrives, to talk about car exportation with wealthy businessman Mr. Stoker. Unfortunately Tupper's business plan is nowhere near as lofty as it should be.
回复 :自幼在海坊长大的季曼,本是无忧少女,过着恣意随性的快乐日子。不料一次入京游玩发生意外,再次醒来已经摇身变成了陌玉侯宁钰轩的夫人。被当成残暴善妒的 聂桑榆之后,季曼不但要承受被宁钰轩休妻的羞辱,还面临着生命的危险。为了摆脱困境,季曼决定靠自己的能力逃离宁府。可就在此时,宁钰轩深陷囹圄,被发配海坊,季曼为了实现自己的商业梦想,跟随他一同前往。在海坊,季曼协助宁钰轩救济灾民,惩恶扬善,而季曼也在宁钰轩的支持下,开设了自己的水粉铺“皓雪堂”,这一路走来,两人已经情根深种。就在宁钰轩与季曼拜堂成亲之际,季曼的身世被揭晓,她的亲生父亲乃是杀害宁钰轩之父的茶帮首领,面对父辈的恩怨,一对有情人忍痛分道扬镳。两年后,两人重逢,面对前尘往事,这一次,他们又该如何选择……该剧根据网络作家白鹭成双同名小说改编。