回复 :Joe 'Tom' Yateley is an ex-convict. Trying to leave his past behind, he decides to starts working for the Hawlett Trucking company, which transports gravel. It's an aggressive company, where speed is everything. Doing too less runs in a day? You're out. Red is the most experienced trucker, he can do 18 runs in a day. Tom soon makes friends with Lucy, the secretary, and Gino, a driver. But the record of Red intrigues him and he wants to break it. Gino advises against it, but he helps Tom when he wants to go through with it. Soon trouble begins when Red and the other drivers form an united front against Tom. Just when Tom has enough and decides to pack his bags, Lucy tells him Gino had a terrible accident. She also tells about the corruption of Hawlett Trucking.
回复 :两名留守青年,外号大师和剑圣,在暑假无法无天,干尽了调皮捣蛋的事情,剑圣却意外的在奶茶店遇见了一见钟情的对象,最终,两人找到属于自己的定位,走向成长的故事
回复 :美女安蒂(凯特•哈德森饰)是一家时尚杂志的专栏作家,负责撰写“恋爱指南”之类的情感文章。某天,主编给她派了一个棘手的任务:搜集怎样甩掉男人的第一手资料。因此,安蒂必须在十天之内找到一个男朋友,然后再甩掉他。安蒂看上了在广告代理公司工作的本杰明(马修•麦康纳饰),磨刀霍霍,准备实施她的计划;谁知道,本杰明是一个典型的花花公子,游戏人间的他正在和老板打赌:十天之内让一个女人彻底爱上他。干柴烈火,一拍即合,他们开始了真真假假的爱情游戏。