回复 :本片为1968年田中徳三的怪谈杰作,并非youtube上的那个动画。收藏时请注意。--paracelsus
回复 :Christmas 1944. Soviet soldiers invade Hungary and drag every young woman with German origins away from a small village and transport them to a Soviet labor camp where they are forced to work in the coal mines under inhuman conditions. This is where Irén, one of the Hungarian women, meets Rajmund who decides to teach her how to survive. While she is determined to return home to her little daughter and family, history and fate have a different plan: Irén and Rajmund fall in love.
回复 :重案组探员阿琳(麦家琪饰)美貌出众,但却冷若冰霜,原因是亲姊阿佩惨死于变态杀手下的惨剧,仍缠绕在她深心处。有“新午夜屠夫”之称的变态杀手最近四出犯案,令少女人人自危;阿琳虽然认定“新午夜屠夫”跟亲姊阿佩的死有莫大关连,但由于调查手法有违纪律而被勒令停职,无法进一步调查。停职期间,阿琳结识了退出影坛的超级明星Tim,二人情投意合,感情一日千里。正当阿琳沉醉于二人世界之中,却不知已逐步堕进“新午夜屠夫”的陷阱当中……