回复 :商朝末年,武祖姜子牙率众神伐纣,赢得封神大战后归隐山林,但其斩将封神所用之神器——封神笔却失落千年,不知所踪。千年以后,开元年间。大唐画师吴道子为博“画圣”之名,意外发现了封神笔的踪迹。一时间,风起云涌,群英汇聚。一段英雄儿女的爱恨情仇就此展开,一场天崩地裂的家国危机就此来临,正邪之战一触即发,生死之间何去何从?
回复 :酷爱机车的现代渣男唐堂在一次意外中,连人带摩托突然穿越到古代西域的精绝国,被酒店老板多多误认为是天降之神。唐堂在酒店受到了热情款待,却遇到刚刚从王宫逃出的女儿国国王如花。原来此时正值精绝国入侵女儿国,国王如花为了拯救女儿国被迫和精绝国国王和亲。二人为了躲避精绝国侯大将军的追捕临时结伴,一路上历经种种磨难,危急关头如花为唐堂挡下致命一击,唐堂痛不欲生,决定放弃一切拯救如花……
回复 :Prey is coming to Hulu August 5“Prey,” an all-new action-thriller from 20th Century Studios directed by Dan Trachtenberg (“The Boys,” “10 Cloverfield Lane”) and the newest entry in the “Predator” franchise, will stream August 5, 2022, exclusively on Hulu.Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, “Prey” is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior. She has been raised in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey she stalks, and ultimately confronts, turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal, resulting in a vicious and terrifying showdown between the two adversaries.“Prey” is directed by Dan Trachtenberg, written by Patrick Aison (“Jack Ryan,” “Treadstone”), and produced by John Davis (“Jungle Cruise,” “The Predator”) and Jhane Myers (“Monsters of God”), with Lawrence Gordon (“Watchmen”), Marty Ewing (“It: Chapter Two”), James E. Thomas, John C. Thomas and Marc Toberoff (“Fantasy Island”) serving as executive producers.The filmmakers were committed to creating a film that provides an accurate portrayal of the Comanche and brings a level of authenticity that rings true to its Indigenous peoples. Myers, an acclaimed filmmaker, Sundance Fellow and member of the Comanche nation herself, is known for her attention and dedication to films surrounding the Comanche and Blackfeet nations and her passion for honoring the legacies of the Native communities. As a result, the film features a cast comprised almost entirely of Native and First Nation’s talent, including Amber Midthunder (“The Ice Road,” “Roswell, New Mexico”), newcomer Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp (“Sooyii”), Michelle Thrush (“The Journey Home”), Julian Black Antelope (“Tribal”).