阿诺·施瓦辛格将出演喜剧片《我们为什么杀冈瑟》(Why We're Killing Gunther,草樱暂译)。塔兰·基拉姆(《周六夜现场》)自编自导自演。施瓦辛格饰演“全球头号杀手”冈瑟,草樱而来自世界各地的杀手精英则打算炮制完美计划将其干掉。影片将于6月开机,同时本片也将在即将开幕的戛纳电影节上进行推介。
阿诺·施瓦辛格将出演喜剧片《我们为什么杀冈瑟》(Why We're Killing Gunther,草樱暂译)。塔兰·基拉姆(《周六夜现场》)自编自导自演。施瓦辛格饰演“全球头号杀手”冈瑟,草樱而来自世界各地的杀手精英则打算炮制完美计划将其干掉。影片将于6月开机,同时本片也将在即将开幕的戛纳电影节上进行推介。
回复 :Both critics and audiences have appreciated SHIN Yeon-shick’s films—A Great Actor, Fair Love, The Russian Novel, Rough Play—for his distinctive signature. His new feature The Avian Kind will be part of this year’s Jeonju Digital Project 2014. It is about a writer’s journey to find his missing wife, and this story was also part of his former filmThe Russian Novel. His new film is getting a lot of attention thanks to his unique style of getting the motifs from literature and theatrical plays.
回复 :世界摔角选手知勋正当名气蒸蒸日上时,东进却放弃了选手梦而成为暴力组织的老大,多年后,两人相遇的一天,东进被对手丁会长袭击,打斗中东进失守杀了人,而知勋却自愿代替东进坐牢.关在济州岛牢里的知勋,每天做做杂事,有空时画一些画,过着与世隔绝的日子,同时也拒绝了东进邀他加入组织的请求.不久后,东进与丁会长的权利之争愈演愈烈,东进决定亲自来邀请之勋,却在途中被丁会长杀害……
回复 :前身是皇軍軍港的吳港,戰後成為船塢工人的生活煉獄。在資本家剝削和枯燥生活的雙重煎熬下,躁動的年輕生命,一頭栽進暴力漩渦,延擱成長,終日在打鬥、賭博、酗酒中尋找暫時的麻醉。吉田喜重通過工頭之眼,對不合理的社會現實作出欲迎還拒的批判,被視為日本新浪潮代表作之一。香山美子飾演純真的酒館女待,同情工人卻慘被強姦,正與負的能量,在大時代中比拼互滲,可有超越對與錯,是與非的位置?片末火車站送別一場,在家和社會之間,吉田喜重作出了左翼的選擇。One of the key films ushering in the Shochiku "New Wave" era, this raw tale of migrant laborers at a post-war naval base simmers with youthful outrage. Responsible shipyard worker Shimazaki (Hayakawa) is put in charge of new recruits from Osaka. The immature gang quickly finds trouble drinking, gambling, and fighting, and eventually trespassing against what Shimazaki holds most dear - local bargirl Nobu. Revenge, honor, and loyalty are all called into question. Yoshida's groundbreaking film portrayed real social issues in an unromantic light, and paved the way for all the cinematic "roughs" to come.- SummerIFF 2007