回复 :同是水瓶座的中年人伊藤博(槙田雄司 饰)和高中生黑田甲贺(池松壮亮 饰)各自经历着人生最低迷的时刻。兢兢业业的伊藤在保险公司担任课长,他认真完成工作,然而总是遭到上司的各种压榨,胸中有着无限的苦闷。黑田和担任警察的父亲交流不畅,戾气十足的他如火药桶一般,随时挥拳相向。某天晚上,渴望发泄的伊藤偷走一部听在便利店门口的汽车,恰巧目击这一幕的黑田则骑着摩托追了上去。令二人想不到的是,车上竟然有一个嗷嗷待哺的婴儿。原来他们所在的城市正因为在开发事业而吵得沸沸扬扬,主张再开发的现任市长犬养亨(佐野史郎 饰)指示黑帮偷走了观点对立的市长竞选者大隈泰三(野间口彻 饰)的儿子。无意间卷入纷争两个人,即将迎来人生最大的波澜……
回复 :Living with my friend and his wife! The three of us!Ji-soo and Joon-yeong have been married for 5 years. Unlike the first few years of marriage, Joon-yeong is terrified at the sound of Ji-soo taking a shower. However, Ji-soo advances on Joon-yeong more and more because she wants to have children. Meanwhile, Ji-soo's best friend Yoon-kyeong comes back from the Philippines and spends a few days with the couple. Joon-yeong feels his manhood reacting when he see's the young-looking and sexy friend of his wife's...
回复 :探讨我们的文化对男性气质狭隘的定义,是如何伤害我们的男孩、男人和整个社会,讲述性别暴力对男性带来的伤害和男权社会中男性从小到大所承受的隐形暴力。