回复 :A 25-30-year old Hacienda-owner (David Hemmings) is misbehaving on women due to his traumatic youth; his mother (Alida Valli) covers him for his sadistic actions; however, when he wants the daughter of the mansion supervisor to serve for him, things seem to get totally out of hand. He 'tames' her, but when 'tamed' and finally married, the young woman (Andrea Rau) soon becomes the dominating person in the family.
回复 :For many years no one knew what happened to nine-year-old Gabriel after a mysterious accident in the mountains. Years later the now teenage boy suddenly appears pleading a case of amnesia. Are we witnessing the return of a real son searching for his identity or the strategic calculations of an imposter?
回复 :毕基于酒吧捡到一包毒品,适时警察出现,基被指贩毒,后被判入狱。龙娣于外地回港,才知毕基出事。龙娣忙往监狱探访毕基,见基面色有异,算出基被女鬼缠上。为求化解灾劫,龙娣要从仁、八、九中抽选其中一人入狱以救毕基。毕基被狱中老大欺负,又被女鬼苦缠要替她找出丈夫,苦不堪言。另一方面九被选中入狱,但九做尽坏事仍没被捕。反而仁无心之失,误伤交通警被捕成阶下囚。女鬼四出威吓众囚犯替其寻找丈夫,连署长亦被吓倒。经毕仁介绍,署长请龙娣驱鬼。龙娣迫女鬼现身,才知女鬼的丈夫巫明天被误控贩毒而判刑,巫明天自感前途尽毁,未能照顾妻子美好,于狱中自杀。美好为表对夫坚贞竟自杀示爱,化成厉鬼到狱中寻夫,可惜遍寻不获。署长告知巫明天刑期未满,被葬于监狱的后山,女鬼遂往后山寻夫。龙娣认为毕基被控贩毒,可能亦是冤狱,叫八哥、九哥打听消息。此时女鬼在后山未能找到巫明天,大怒下要向愚弄她的人报复…