回复 :When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark forces when he created these paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. It's up to Father Mendale and Louis' girlfriend; Kim to save Dylan and his family before they are all destroyed by the Art of the Dead.
回复 :汐見夏衛による同名小説をもとにした本作は、マスクが手放せず周囲の空気ばかり読んでしまう“優等生”の丹羽茜と、自由奔放で絵を描くことを愛するクラスメイト・深川青磁のラブストーリー。自分とは正反対の青磁のことが苦手な茜だったが、彼が描く絵とまっすぐな性格に惹かれ、彼女の世界は色付き始める。しかし2人は誰にも打ち明けられない秘密を抱えていた。
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