大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧《丹斯》发布首张定妆照!免费田纳特将饰演臭名昭著的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包括杰森·沃特金斯(《王冠》)、免费丹尼尔·梅斯(《好兆头》)等。该剧根据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的书籍《为同伴杀戮》(Killing For Company)改编,讲述尼尔森在1978年-1983年期间曾杀害15名年轻男子。Luke Neal(第一、二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀剧本,Polly Hill担任制作。
大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧《丹斯》发布首张定妆照!免费田纳特将饰演臭名昭著的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包括杰森·沃特金斯(《王冠》)、免费丹尼尔·梅斯(《好兆头》)等。该剧根据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的书籍《为同伴杀戮》(Killing For Company)改编,讲述尼尔森在1978年-1983年期间曾杀害15名年轻男子。Luke Neal(第一、二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀剧本,Polly Hill担任制作。
回复 :New One Tree Hill season 9 photo features happy Brooke reunited with her estranged dad. CW recently dropped a couple,new premiere photos for it’s upcoming “One Tree Hill” 9th and final scene. This particular photo shows a very happy, Brooke David,reuniting with her long lost father,played by actor Richard Burgi.It looks like the first episode will be a little mellow compared to what I’ve heard is supposed to eventually go down. I guess you’ve got to start off a little light with these sort of things. However, once they get into it,we’re going to see crazy Dan Scott return to try and get his murdering thing going again. He’ll be spotted with a gun.Brooke isn’t going to be looking so happy when she’s spotted vandalizing a restaurant. Julian smile will be turned into an instant frown when he gets the everliving crap beat out of him. Haley won’t be smiling,either,after she identifies a dead body. Chase won’t look like such a nice guy when he’s handcuffed,and taken to jail. Oh,and I’m sure there’s more,just you wait and see. This last season is going out with a mega bang,for sure. It kicks off this Wednesday, January 11th at 7pm central time on the CW.
回复 :故事讲述的是20世纪20年代,两兄弟创办了一家舞蹈公司。
回复 :效力于风腾公司的白领丽人薛杉杉(赵丽颖 饰)突然被公司员工叫出来,原来公司老板封腾(张翰 饰)的妹妹封月(张杨果而 饰)急需输血,而她稀有的血型偏巧只有杉杉才有,于是杉杉只得按照老板和主管的指示献出鲜血。大概也从这一刻起,她才发现毕业于三流大学的自己能够进入这家令人羡慕的大公司,并非是她有什么过人的才能,更不是凭空撞上了狗屎运,无非是沾了稀有血型之光。献血时间之后,杉杉得以和平时高高在上、不可一世的封腾。许是前世的因缘,一向正能量满满的小吃货杉杉,偏偏成为封腾最爱欺负折磨的对象,有趣的故事也在这一过程中拉开序幕……本片根据作家顾漫的短篇小说《杉杉来吃》改编。