穿心A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down.
穿心A young boy dreams of going to the junior sumo wrestling tournament in Tokyo to find his father and make him proud. That is until a global pandemic turns the world upside down.
回复 :美国唐人街黑帮头子忠胜派手下Joe往劫现任州议员的另一黑帮头子李唐的赌场,在打劫中Joe被迫杀死所有人质,但有一人意外生还,案发后胜带Joe往香港躲避,到香港后方知Joe是救命恩人谢坤之子,阿胜陷入深深痛悔之中,可他的恩人和哥哥还是遭了恶劫力的毒手,为什么要加入黑帮的行列?
回复 :莉琪(希拉里·达芙 Hilary Duff饰)的欧洲之行真是充满“离奇”!本来她是一名在学校屡屡出丑的女生,和同伴来到意大利旅行之后,神奇的经历就纷至沓来。都怪莉琪长得太像意大利的歌星伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白的情歌对唱搭档保罗,把这个小女生当成了乐坛红人。在保罗的安排下,莉琪作为“伊丽莎白”的星途迅速铺开,她亦以自己的魅力征服万千歌迷,然而,上帝真的如此眷恋莉琪吗?少不更事的莉琪,没想到自己已经陷进了一场阴谋当中。幸好,莉琪还有一帮守望相助的朋友,他们在合力保护着莉琪不受伤害,莉琪在美妙的梦境中醒来时,会发现最真实最宝贵的,是身边可爱的友人。
回复 :A thriller set in Benares, Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi, Setters is about a racket profiteering from academic scams. The film follows a cat-and-mouse game between two good friends: one a cop, and the other a "setter" who arranges brilliant students in place of weak students to appear in examinations.