相错An Italian adventure film about the exploits of Sir Francis Drake. Queen Elizabeth as a minor character. Starring Rod Taylor as Drake and Irene Worth as Elizabeth.
相错An Italian adventure film about the exploits of Sir Francis Drake. Queen Elizabeth as a minor character. Starring Rod Taylor as Drake and Irene Worth as Elizabeth.
回复 :霍元甲(李连杰 饰)年少时以稚嫩的霍家拳打败向他挑衅的小恶霸后习武信心大增,凭着对武术的悟性及热情,他的武艺根基日益深厚,成为天津赫赫有名的武师,可是其性情也渐变得浮躁傲慢,越来越好勇斗狠。得知徒弟被天津另一高手秦爷重创后,霍元甲不问原由闯入秦爷的寿宴,威逼其当场签生死状 与他比武,虽然最后他取得了胜利,但却因此赔上了他一生最爱的母亲及女儿的性命。大错铸成后,痛不欲生的霍元甲神志昏乱远走他方。后得某偏远村落的村民孙婆婆及其失明孙女月慈(孙俪 饰)的悉心照料,霍元甲复原了精神气,并开始领悟武学的真谛。
回复 :2028年,专事军火开发的机器人公司Omni Corp.生产了大量装备精良的机械战警,他们被投入到维和和惩治犯罪等行动中,取得显著的效果。罪犯横行的底特律市,嫉恶如仇、正义感十足的警察亚历克斯·墨菲(乔尔·金纳曼 Joel Kinnaman 饰)遭到仇家暗算,身体受到毁灭性破坏。借助于Omni公司天才博士丹尼特·诺顿(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)最前沿的技术,墨菲以机械战警的形态复活。数轮严格的测试表明,墨菲足以承担起维护社会治安的重任,他的口碑在民众中直线飙升,而墨菲的妻子克拉拉(艾比·考尼什 Abbie Cornish 饰)和儿子大卫却再难从他身上感觉亲人的温暖。感知到妻儿的痛苦,墨菲决心向策划杀害自己的犯罪头子展开反击……
回复 :"Sinofuturism is an invisible movement. A spectre already embedded into a trillion industrial products, a billion individuals, and a million veiled narratives. It is a movement, not based on individuals, but on multiple overlapping flows. Flows of populations, of products, and of processes. Because Sinofuturism has arisen without conscious intention or authorship, it is often mistaken for contemporary China. But it is not. It is a science fiction that already exists.Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of China and the people of its diaspora.With reference to Afrofuturism and Gulf Futurism, Sinofuturism presents a critical and playful approach to subverting cultural clichés.In Western media and Orientalist perceptions, China is exotic, strange, bizarre, kitsch, tacky, or cheap. In its domestic media, China portrayed as heroic, stable, historic, grand, and unified. Rather than counteract these skewed narratives, Sinofuturism proposes to push them much further.By embracing seven key stereotypes of Chinese society (Computing, Copying, Gaming, Studying, Addiction, Labour and Gambling), it shows how China's technological development can be seen as a form of Artificial Intelligence."